3J Farms is a family owned and operated business by brothers, Mike, John and Steve Jordan.  Together, these fourth-generation families produce peanuts, cotton and cucumbers in Jackson County. Since 2015, they have implemented Best Management Practices (BMPs) to help accomplish their goals of protecting the natural resources and property, which lies inside of the Blue Springs Basin.

Some of the most effective BMPs implemented include, utilizing the Mobile Irrigation Lab to convert to low pressure irrigation systems, reducing overall water use. They also work weekly with a certified crop consultant to analyze nutrition of their soil and growing crops. 

To protect water quality and soil health, they plant cover crops and also use strip-tillage. Buffers and field borders also help filter excessive nutrients.

The Jordan family believes environmental protection is simply the right thing to do. Florida Farm Bureau Federation is honored to award a 2019 CARES designation and sign to Mike, John and Steve Jordan, of 3J farms, for their dedication in being outstanding environmental stewards.