Heath Ward, and his father Brett, own and operate Cedar Creek Capital. This diversified operation in Escambia County produces cotton, peanuts, corn and beef cattle.

The Ward’s implement Best Management Practices on more than 3,000 acres in order to protect Florida’s panhandle. Together, they accomplish their goals of reducing water use, nutrient use and improving water quality.

Some of the most effective BMPs implemented include recycling surface water from a pond for irrigation, reducing overall water use. In order to reduce nutrient use, they use GPS and variable rate applications for spraying and fertilizing applications.  These two BMPs alone have helped them reduce their fertilizer use by 50% as well as their use of lime. By using strip- tillage as well as planting cover crops and grass waterways, they effectively protect local water quality on each parcel of land they farm on.  

The Ward’s believe that when they take care of the land, it will take care of them in return. Florida Farm Bureau Federation is proud to award a 2019 CARES designation and sign to Brett and Heath Ward for their dedication in being outstanding environmental stewards.